Saturday, March 31, 2012

More moles and relief society and stuff

I had to go in for my annual body scan on Tuesday.  I really dread this day and have to get all my courage up to go. Not only is it the most awkward, uncomfortable doctors visit possible, but then I can always count on him to find  moles that are "suspicious" and need to be removed.
Dr. B is super nice, and tries to make me feel more at ease by chatting away while he is examining  every inch of my skin...from head to toe.  When he sees something he doesn't like, then he gets out his magnifying, lighted thingie that he puts right down on my skin, then puts his eye right up to it.  Can I say awkward enough times?  This is about the time that I stop listening to him babble on and try to go to my happy place.
Oh wait, it gets worse.  After he finds a mole he wants to biopsy, then he puts a circle around it with his pen and has the nurse take a picture of it.  Ahhhhhhhhh
After he is all finished, then he gets out his recorder and tells it all about my sounds quite horrifying  as he describes what he doesn't like about each one he has circled.  Then he comes over and pats me on the shoulder and says " I don't think you have anything to worry about...those ones on your face will have minimal scarring."  Really?  Super.  He can't get me in till the middle of April so I'll have plenty of time to think about that.
On a happier note...
Wednesday night we had our Relief Society birthday party.  Naomi had a real neat program that they used when she was on her mission in Nauvoo. 
Muriel asked me a while ago if I would sing in a little choir she was putting together for the program.  We have been practicing a couple times a week for a few weeks and then with the whole program a couple more times.   The songs were really great though and fun to sing with these ladies.
The sister missionaries called and asked if they could come to dinner Wednesday ( the family that had signed up to have them over had something come up) so it was kind of hectic, but nice to have them over.   I have really grown to love these girls.  So after dinner, I dropped them off at their appointment, then went over to practice the program one more time before we put it on. 
The people in the play were all dressed up in Joseph Smith era clothes....really went all out.  They had their parts all memorized and it went off really well.  It was a real touching program about when the Relief Society was first organized, and all the good they have done over the years.  The songs went pretty well...kind of stuck in my head..."we must cherish one another, watch over one another, enlighten one another....that we may all sit down in heaven together"
Thursday night, I got another dose of sisterhood at bunko.  We sat and talked till about 11...listening to each others problems, and just things we are all going through. ..."cherish, watch over, comfort one another"  The few hours we spend together each month is pretty great free therapy for all of us. Love these ladies!

1 comment:

Angie said...

how embarrassing I am so sorry! Good thing you only have to do that once a year. Glad you could be part of your RS party sounds great!