Saturday, April 17, 2010

If you don't like the weather in Utah, just wait a day or two.
We have had the craziest spring time weather this year. Really cold and windy, snowy, cold, hail, lightning, rainy and cold. Did I mention that it's been cold?
I mean something is just not right when you are still using your electric blanket in the middle of April. ( I may have some other issues that make me really hate the cold weather. I pretty much feel cold all the time, rain or shine. I must not circulate very well or something because my hands, feet and nose are always cold. Cold like when you reach out to shake someones hand at church, they pull away and say "you're hand is like ice! Have you been outside?" or so cold that in the middle of the day, I'll have to go take a hot shower or snuggle under the electric blanket till I get warmed up) Anyway, I've been loving the electric blanket...luckily I can just turn on my side or Kelley would kick me and my blanket out of bed.
It was rainy-snowy-windy over conference-Easter weekend, as usual, but was supposed to be warming up this last week. Ya it snowed again. Whatever! I would call Camille and she would say they were swimming in their pool!
So I would just kind of hibernate and only go out if absolutely necessary....then I would put on at least five layers of clothing. Kelley will always ask me if I need gloves and muk luks too. Hey I am way beyond trying to look good. I just want to be warm!
So yesterday it finally was warm! Oh Frabjous Day! Callooh ! Callay! ( yes I still have that poem memorized from jr. high) I went outside, and just walked around the yard looking at all the flowers, plants and trees that were coming to life again.
The birds are back in their nest they made in the light cover on the patio a few years ago. Kelley wanted to take it down before the birds came back this year, ( it doesn't look very good) but I'm glad he didn't. I love to hear the chirping of the new baby birds and watch them till they grow up and fly away. I watched the mama bird go back and forth, picking up twigs and leaves and things to fix up her nest. The woodpecker is back. He was hammering away on the big tree in Leslie's back yard and Tiny was yipping away at him.

Our new peach tree has cute little blossoms all over it. Reminded me of last spring when Kelley and K.C. were pulling out the apricot tree so we could plant this new one. Sigh... Miss him.
When he comes home next, next summer, we will have peaches to eat!

There are still a ton of these pods off of the tree in Anderson's yard. It has branches that hang right over the pond so that is full of pods too. It's kind of strange because they didn't fall off last fall with the leaves, they all fell off this spring. The ground was absolutely covered with them. Kelley had raked them all up a few weeks ago, then when we had more wind this past week, a bunch more came down. I picked them all up and cleaned them out of the rock garden.
This was only the small garbage can. I totally filled the big one too. So many pods! I want that tree to go away!!!! Hope Kelley will talk to the Neighbors about taking that tree out soon!
It took me about 3 hours to pick them all up, but I didn't mind. I was just enjoying being outside and being warm! I even got so warm I had to go change into some shorter pants. Had to dig them out of the back of the closet...they haven't see the light of day since last summer. Why is it that pants shrink up over the winter? They never were this tight before! hmmmmmmm dang it!

Oh and look at my cute little lilac tree! Kelley gave it to me for Mother's day last year. I love lilacs! Can't wait till it is big enough to grow some!
Anyway, I'm thankful for a beautiful sunny day and the feelings of hope and and the renewal of life that the warm spring weather brings.

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