Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blazing Needles

Candice and I did the funnest thing today! We learned how to knit...kind of.

We have been wanting to take a knitting class for quite a while and Candice found this place on the Internet that said we could come learn on Saturday.

This was the place. It's called Blazing Needles. It's just a older home up on 11th east and 13th south that they have turned into the cutest little shop you have ever seen.

The ladies there were super nice and helped us feel right at home. We picked out some yarn we liked...oh the possibilities! and gave us a set of bamboo needles. Then we went into this comfortable room where we sat around a table with a few other ladies. They told us we could come there anytime (that they are open) and just sit and knit if you want and they will help you. They had the cutest things there that people had made. Little hats and booties and sweaters and and stuffed animals and bags! You can do a lot more with knitting than you can crochet...look out K.C. I'll be making you that fancy warm sweater you wanted now!
(ok, maybe not right away, but before you come home!)
A girl named Chris taught us how to knit from step 1. I was really a spaz. You would think that I could probably catch on pretty quick because I crochet so much. Not so much. I had a hard time getting my fingers to do something different than what I have been doing for the past 30 years. I have actually tried a few times to teach myself with books or video on the Internet, but gave up when I would mess up cause I didn't know how to fix it. That's what seems like the hard part about knitting to me. You can't just pull a string and undo your boo boo,then go back and fix it like with crochet. She talked about "unknitting" to get back to the place you messed up. Sounds complicated. The girl was very patient...."ok, I will just fix that part and you can go on from there..." or "oh that happens all the time...let me just fix that for you." "How did you do that????" " You might want to take the class we teach on to fix your mistakes!"

I finally started getting it after about an hour. That was only the first step, so much more to learn! She told us to go home and practice till we felt comfortable, then we could learn how to purl! It was exhilarating to learn something new...and sharing the experience with Candice made it twice as fun!
This was my first attempt...not good, but hopefully I'll be able to look back at it someday and say "now why did I think that was so hard!"

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