Monday, October 12, 2015

Last night with Camille's family...Kate made this sweet piece for Olivia's room...pretty much sums up my feelings about the past two weeks.

 I couldn't have asked for any better weather while they were here.  It's stayed in the 70's and 80's and even pleasant in the evenings.  
I laid out on the trampoline with the kids and looked at the stars friday night...loved talking about heavenly things, dreams and wishes with them.

 Camille and I stayed up late playing RACKO...I didn't want to go to bed cause I knew I'd have to say goodbye in the morning.
She got everything packed and loaded except the suit cases. Then Sunday morning, Kelley helped get those secured (he does not skimp on tarps, tie downs and bungee cords! Level 6 (this looks like a 10) on everything he does.)

 They were up and ready to go by 6:20.  Kate was going with them to help with the kids and driving. Camille asked me to change Emily's diaper and bring her out to the car.  She always knows when I need a big hug and Emily is the best hugger I know.  She's kind of a special little soul. She will look in your eyes and put her little hands on your cheeks, then throw her arms around your neck and just squeeze you.  She has my heart and I'm missing her like crazy.  I'm grateful though cause I feel like I got the best gift ever in these two weeks.  Having them here just fills my heart and soul.  

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