Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I saw a quote the other day that got me thinking...
"What if you woke up today with ONLY the things you thanked Heavenly Father for last night?"
I know I'd have my family...they are always at the top of the list of my "thankful for" in my prayers!
 Miss them so!

Love having KC back with us!...he brings such a great spirit into our home!
 So thankful for Kelley!  He's an amazing husband and wonderful father! If I started listing reasons why I'm thankful for him, I'd be here all day.

For my beautiful,  loving, supportive, smart, funny, kind hearted girls.
Pretty cool how these amazing girls have grown up to be my very best friends.

They are funny and  always make me smile!
So thankful for my family! 

1 comment:

Angie said...

That is an interesting thought. I should start being more thankful in my prayers. I am thankful for you! You were part of my gratitude list on facebook this week. Did you see my post?