Monday, May 24, 2010

Hello sweetheart...
You are so beautiful! Even though I haven't met you in person yet,
I feel like you have already filled the spot in my heart that I was saving just for you.
You probably already know this because you are still so close to Jesus, but you are the answer to many prayers.
Just the thought of you made us all so that we can see you, you are not just a thought anymore. You are real! and we can joyfully anticipate your arrival!
You probably already know this too, but you are being born into a wonderful family who have been waiting patiently ( and sometimes not so patiently) for your turn to come to earth. So when you have to leave our Heavenly Father's presence, don't be afraid because you have a whole lot of people here just waiting to love and care for you!
See you soon
Love, Grandma


Chris, Amy and the girls said...

That is the sweetest thing I've ever read! Congratulations to Camille and Kellen and to all of you for that matter. There is absolutely nothing better than a new baby!!! I hope you are all doing well!

Angie said...

that was really sweet I am so happy for all of you! prayers are answered even if they aren't when we want. love ya

Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

What a beautiful and exciting post. Congratulations to Camille and Kellen. Olivia will be the best big sister ever!