Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweet is the work

Hey guys,
I had a really incredible week last week. Remember that guy who I said I talked to on the street? Well the next day we met with him and he told us he stayed up until midnight reading and read like 40 pages and over the next few days read to Jacob 5! thats like 100 pages and he read all that in like 4 days! He is amazing and was really prepared by the Lord to recieve the gospel. He already has such a huge testimony about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. He says it is a special book that has the power to change a man. So me and my companion were talking about what we should teach him on Sunday and I figured that if the feeling comes I should ask him to be baptized. So When we were talking that night I asked him why he thought that God had sent us to him and he thought for a while and he said, to learn. So I explained that its not just to learn but in order to recieve salvation and to be baptized. And then a little later I asked him to be baptized and he said he would. We set a date for the 27 of this month, but it works out that he cant go to enough Sacrament meetings to qualify before then, but we'll see what President Cranney thinks. He really wants to serve a mission and share his knowledge, but he is poor, so the first thing he asked me after I asked him to be baptized is if how he can go on a mission with his circumstances. I explained it all. Way cool though huh? He has such huge faith its incredible. We have already met like 7 times. Its amazing. Ill lett you know how it goes from here. I just am so thankful that the Lord really does lead this work, I know I couldnt have any success with out him. I love you guys.

Elder Jensen.

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