Sunday, March 26, 2017

We decided to go for a walk on the beach while the guys were working on the garden wall
This was my first time driving the moto in quite some time so Maggie and I had quite a wild ride!  After a little time, it all came back to me and I remembered how fun they are to drive!
It was nice to get to talk to Maggie catch up on what's going on in her life.  She is really a sweetheart.  She's so funny, and just loves dogs so much!  When ever she would see one, she'd run up to it and want to pet it. (This is how they got their dog Cortez. Several years ago when their family was there on vacation in Mexico, they came across this puppy just running wild. Maggie was just crazy about it and said they had to take it home.  Chris, being the sucker, I mean kind hearted dad that he is, went through all the shots, examinations, paperwork and fees it cost to bring an animal to the united states.  Well this dog was really something!  First of all he grew to be the size of a small horse in about a year. Then he would tear through the house wagging it's tail knocking everything over in it's way.  Annnnnd it always wanted to sit right on you when you sat on the couch.  Not exactly a lap dog. Kelley and I stayed at Chris's one night on our way to California.  A few minutes after we got in bed, we heard Cortez bounding up the stairs and next thing you know, he's laying right between us.  Haaaaaaa.  He really is the sweetest dog, but way to big to handle.   
So anyway, Maggie is going up to all these dogs in  Los Barrillis, making friends.  At El Viejo, there was a dog that always hung around cause people would feed it.  It was pretty well behaved and didn't bug people, just sat nearby giving them the sad eyes.  He was besties with Maggie right away.  Then there was this dog at this community parade we went to one night.  This was a sad, sad dog, and unfortunately what most of the dogs looked like down there.  It was skinny and bald in spots and you could just see the fleas jumping on it.  Well Maggie didn't care what he looked like and went and petted him and gave him something to eat.  After that, he was pretty much ours. He sat by us all the time we waited for the parade to get there and would have come home with us if we would have let him.  Maggie just has a heart that loves these animals unconditionally.   

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