Thursday, July 1, 2010

The latest from K.C...

I went for a run this morning (sans Lizzy) and used K.C.'s ipod. Listening to the music he loves (he has some great classical music on there...Beethoven, Mozart...made me feel closer to him because I love it too. Miss listening to him playing the piano. I hope he gets some opportunities to play while he is on his mission.
His latest emails have been really sweet and make me want to try to do better. Sure do love my boy.

Hey Mom,
It sounds like you had a really good week, man that story about grandma was soooo good, I took a picture of it and I am going to go home and translate it and use it in a lesson some time. She is really a special person, when I think of someone who deserves the Celestial kingdom; she totally fits all the requirements. I hope I’m as great as her some day. I will write her a letter next p-day, we went to the mission presidents home today to hang out with the Cranneys because they are leaving on the 1st of July. They live in a place called Rosinka, it means dew drop, but it is like a Little America. When you walk down the streets you really feel like you are in America, lawns, trampolines, bbq's, people who say good morning. It’s a way cool place, so we went there and played tennis, it was way fun. I am really going to miss them, they have really influenced my whole life, and they are such great people. When I was with sister Cranney, I kinda felt like I was with you, I felt peaceful, calm and like everything will be ok. But im sure the new president and wife will be really great too. I was wondering, could you call Hatsumi and get the addresses of all my friends on missions? I just want to send a letter to each of them at least once while we are out. I would be really grateful if you did that, then you could just send it in an email, maybe you could even go to Hatsumi's house to talk to her about it, that would be fun. So, I had a pretty good experience a couple days ago, we were coming home at about 8:30 and we were about 10 minutes from home, and I thought, maybe we should go home yet, but then the natural man says "you’re tired, it was a long day." but then I still thought that we should stay out a little longer, so I said to my comp something like: lets just walk through the park, maybe there will be some one there. So we did and when we walked past this car repair place on the way to the park a guy who worked there, probably looking at the little bag of Book of Mormons we were carrying, said " what are you selling?" and we said "what we have is free" , and he said "people dont give stuff out for free" and so we told him about the BoM a little and he gave us his number and wanted to meet and said he would read it, so we'll see. But it was interesting how the spirit worked. It is so easy to dismiss those little promptings, but sometimes the really pay off to listen to. I love you Mom, KC
ps.I hope you have a great week, I still haven’t got that birthday package you sent, you may want to check on that.

Hey, you’re welcome for all the kind words, they are the truth, I love you. That’s way funny that you have the key locking habit now, it’s a really tough one to kick...actually I never kicked it, I just got a hide a key. After I got the Hide a key, I probably still did it about 3 or 4 times at least. At least I always had my phone thought. Do you and Mom read the scriptures together? If not you should, I love studying with companions, and you have the best companion ever. You can only learn so much from reading the scriptures from your point of view, but when you do it together it kinda sheds a new light. We have been reading a bunch from the Book of Mormon with that investigator who told us he got an answer to his prayer, because he lives with a whole bunch of other guys in an apartment and they all smoke and drink and smoke pot, and he doesn’t do any of that. So he doesn’t really have a place to pray and read, so we are trying to help him with that. He is a way cool kid, he is 18 and is going to America in a few days, so we will miss him, but he is going to either be baptized there or when he comes back here on September 25, to maybe you could pray for him that he will stay faithful while he is in America, his name is Dima. I love you Dad
Elder Jensen
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 18:57:50 +0400
Subject: Reeba

That means fish in Russian, thought maybe you'd want to know. Man, a nice cool day on the lake sounds awesome; it has been way hot here lately. Way humid is more like it. I usually am not a sweaty guy buy I am currently dripping sweat from my nose. We had an opportunity to go on a split with President Cranneys sons this week, and while my comp was with one of them they stopped by an investigator and he asked them to give him a blessing because his feet had swollen up for some reason and they hurt way bad, and so they blessed him that he would be able to get back to work. And then the next day they saw him up and around, I think he was even going to work. Its really incredible how the priesthood really works, I’m so thankful that you taught me to honor my priesthood and how to use it correctly. How is the building out there going? Is it almost ready to open up? Sounds like your working way hard on it. My apartment isn’t too bad, you walk into a hall way and straight a head is the big room and on the left is the kitchen. We actually just got our hot water back on a couple days ago, we had to take cold showers for about 2 weeks. So that gave me a new appreciation for hot water. I love you Dad, don’t work to hard or let anyone drop bricks on your head while your working...or even after.
Elder Jensen

Hey Mom,
Thanks for being so great, I hope you know that I think about you often and think about the things that you have taught me. They help me a lot. Yesterday one member called us and invited us to his house out in the country, it’s called a dacha, so we went today and it was incredible, It was like a little vacation. He has such a strong testimony.

1 comment:

kat said...

jerk didn't email me this week! my email to him was so good too and even had pictures of my hiking adventures! he'll pay for that! He is amazing because of you and dad :)