On Friday they wanted to do some sight seeing so we drove down town. We drove up by the capitol where you could look out over the whole valley and even see part of great salt lake.
We drove past the temple and they wanted to go look around the grounds so we parked over by the conference center and walked over. It really was a beautiful day and the beautiful flowers on Temple Square didn't disappoint.
After, we went to this place called Top Golf. Keli and Bob are both great golfers so we thought this would be fun.
Kelley has golfed a little bit but was never too crazy about it and my experience goes about as far as Pauls par 3. This was a whole different deal though...I mean just whacking the ball as hard as you can, then eating delicious wings and sweet potato fries till it was your turn again was a seriously great time! Keli was a great teacher too. She showed us which club to use and how to hold it right, then how to swing and hopefully make contact with the ball.Then she tried to think of nice things to say after I hit the ball and it just rolls off the edge of the platform and drops to the net below. Ha! I got a few good shots but they were just flukes. I could see it sure is a game where you need to practice a lot! Kelley did really well. He can hit it Happy Gilmore style and it goes clear to the fence.
We planned a little get together for Friday night so the rest of Kelley's family would have a chance to visit them Keli and Bob. Kelley did some ribs and chicken on the Tregar, I made a potato salad and Keli made a yummy chopped salad. Mark brought some of his delicious baked beans and we had a great meal!
I was glad it was a nice warm evening so we could sit and visit for a while after dinner. It was great to get caught up on each others' lives. I love this Jensen family I married into. They are as diverse, dysfunctional, unique and fabulous as they come, and I think we qualify to fit right in with them! One thing you can always count on with them is that they are real. What you see is what you get. And what you get is always loving and sincere.
I'm grateful for KeliAnn taking the time and effort to drive here to visit us. She is one of those special people that you just love the first time you meet. Her and Kelley have always been close...kind of the sister he never had. She is the glue that holds Kelley's moms side of the family together...always keeping in touch and letting us know what's going on with everyone. Her new husband Bob is really a peach too. Actually a pretty amazing guy. The more I was around him, the more I realized just what a great guy he was. When we were up fishing, we went in to get a fishing license for him and Keli. The gal there said it would be 24.00 each! We decided it wouldn't be worth it just for a couple hours of fishing so they said they would just watch. When we got out there and got all our poles out in the water, we told Keli and Bob one of each of our poles was for them. Bob didn't say anything at the time but was just sitting back cheering all of us on as we started catching. Keli caught one, then said "the next one is your's Bob" He said 'No, I wouldn't feel right about that'. He didn't make a big deal about it, just knew what he was going to do and did it. I was kind of put to shame cause I didn't even think about it being wrong since we don't ever keep the fish, but his words "I wouldn't feel right about that" were ringing in my head during our Relief Society lesson yesterday on Honesty. Anyway, that, along with lots of other things put him way up on my list of people I want to be like when I grow up.
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