Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When we decided that we would deliver Katie and Camille's cedar chests, we started throwing the idea around of Olivia staying with us, then we would take her home when we took the chests.  I didn't know how she would feel about that cause she is pretty attached to her mommy.
We told her what we were thinking and she said "Oh yes!  That would be fun!"

And it was!
We just played all day long.  Danced, sang, read books,made cookies, played Barbie, did puzzles and games, played school and chip munks.  She has an amazing imagination and can just sit and play by herself too!
She helped out too when Kelley and KC were changing the wax ring on the toilet.  That's disgusting!  Ha!  She's not very squeamish!

KC, Liv and I went to the Muppets movie...very cute!
Played dress up/fashion show with my old jewelery and some random models she found around the house.

She is just a joy to have around.  Never whined or complained and was a very good girl!  So glad I got to spend this time with her!
Sam got through his surgery just fine, but it sounds like he was missing Olivia.
Camille said he would go looking in all the rooms of the house, then just sit there all sad.
They are very close...Olivia missed him too...and mommy and daddy.  She drew pictures for all of them and was excited to talk to her mommy on the phone.
The time went by so quick though...way too fast for me! Before I knew, it was time to take her home.

1 comment:

Angie said...

how fun to get to have her for a little bit! I bet she had a great time too.