Thursday, June 2, 2011

I have a lot of things to be thankful for.

These are just a few of my favorites today...

How great it is to be a grandma! Love these two more than I could have ever imagined.Grateful for my amazing family...their love, support, and friendship.

I'm sure thankful Kelley...

He has been my rock these past few months...holding me up, making impossible things possible, listening to me, loving me even when I was a basket case, buoying up my courage, doing things around the house that I didn't have time to or feel like doing. And mostly, just making me laugh. Love him.Thankful to be born to wonderful parents
and for the many ways they have influenced my life.So Grateful for a son who is worthy and willing to serve the Lord.
Here are a few of KC's latest emails...can't believe he's almost finished. What an awesome, life changing experience he has had.

May 25, 2011
Hey guys!
Things are going really well here. We have had an awesome week. We were able to find 3 new investigators. Which is a lot in our mission. We met with the girl from Providence and it turns out she basically knows all about the church history and the Book of Mormon and stuff, so now we just need to teach her with the spirit so that she can feel that it’s all really important and true. We are really expecting great things to come from her. It was a real miracle that we met her. She is a really nice girl. What is your address in Providence? I want to see if she knows where it is. I think if no one else is attached to them I would like the nut crackers from grandmas. Those just remind me of sitting on the couch with her and grampa cracking nuts. Nothing better than that. Another one of the new investigators was just a guy who a couple of weeks ago we tracted into and he told us to come back. So we came back and knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so we knocked again but there was still no answer. So we were just starting to write him a note to stick on his door saying that we had come by, when he came up the stairs and warmly invited us in. We shared the message of the restoration with him and he agreed to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and wanted to meet again. Hope full we can start meeting with the whole family too. He’s got a son about our age and a pregnant wife. It was really neat to see how the Lord was able to put us in the right place at the right time. If we had come just a few minutes earlier we would have missed him. With the other two it also came down to planning and following the spirit. Things are really picking up here. Hopefully we will be able to set some baptismal dates with these new investigators soon. Elder Clawson is doing really great too. He is starting to impress me with a lot of the things that he is learning. He is becoming just the type of missionary that the mission is going to need in the end of the year to make it to our big goal and carry on the work. I don’t remember my password for SLCC, sorry. I think they will just let you sign up though if you go or call. We are planning on going fishing today! I will take pics if we catch anything. I love you guys tons. Have a fantastic week. --
Elder Jensen

June 1, 2011

Hey Mom,
Our week was really good. We met lots of new people and had a lot of good things happen. We did our best to find new investigators last week but it turned out that after calling all of the potential people no one could meet. We have quite a few people what are really interested but they just work too much. I am praying that we will have a few this week. On Sunday morning one of our investigators called us and wanted to come to church. This was a really nice surprise because she always has a hard time waking up, but she woke up on her own and called us so that we could meet and ride together. We also had a member bring one of his friends to church and she seemed to enjoy it. Its the one that lives way far away and brought a friend a few weeks ago. This guy is awesome. We have been sorting through our new investigators and it is becoming apparent which ones are really ready for the gospel. That’s crazy about the weather there. Hope it gets warm soon so you can go fishing. We went over and taught Vladimir the Journalist guy the law of chastity last Tuesday. Basically it didn’t go very well. We taught really well and I really felt the spirit when I testified of the importance of keeping it but he said that he just cant give up having sex and he cant see himself getting married any time soon. But the cool part of all this is that at the end I asked Elder Clawson to pray and then I thought once he started that I should have asked Vladimir, and I felt it so clear that it was a prompting from the spirit. So after the prayer I asked him to pray and in his pray he said some way cool things about God helping him understand how to keep this commandment and that he thinks he can find answers to this problem in the Book of Mormon. It was an awesome prayer. He came to the right conclusions himself. It was way cool to see how the spirit was really directing us and him. It turns out that one of the people that a guy in our area had us teach the first lesson is getting baptized next month. We taught a really good first lesson and then passed her off to the missionaries in the mission where she lives and she started meeting with them and wants to get baptized. Way good news. I think it would be way cool to have one of Grandpas hats if they are just laying around up there. I know what you’re talking about with the math test too. I’m a little worried about it though. Anyway. Have a really nice week!
Elder Jensen.

Life is good.

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