Monday, July 16, 2012

We went up for a fun day fishing last saturday.  Hot air balloons taking off in Park City.

Stopped at the gas station to get worms and Liv wanted to try on the hats.  Ran into Chris, Andrew and Spencer.  Chris's family was here for a visit and he was trying out his new boat.  Lisa , Maggie and Kevin had come up earlier and Mark was up there with Lisle, and Pat already.  It was fun to boat around with all of them. 

 We pulled into a cove and hiked around a bit.  It was sure beautiful up there!

Catching was pretty sparse.  Kevin's boat was the only one who was having any luck.  Then we hit a good spot and caught two nice rainbow.  Olivia was so excited!

 When we got bored of waiting for fish to bite, we made faces into my new phone

 A storm rolled in just as we were getting ready to leave...good thing we got out of there when we poured all the way down the canyon.  Real fun day though!

1 comment:

Angie said...

It looks like your having a great time!