Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Had such a nice Saturday.  I dropped Olivia off at Candice's and headed up to Teina's house.  It was so good to see my sisters!  I have missed our get together very much. We sat and talked for about two hours...then got busy on the business left at hand.  There were all the old records to go through and a bunch of old music (cowboy) too.  There were a few things that we just didn't know what to do with like daddy's chaps, his glasses, his belt, the old Braegger sign that hung in the gazebo, the bird feeder that hung outside the kitchen window, the old cherub picture, daddy's sewing kit that he used in the war, and one of his hats.  We decided to just draw names out to pick what we wanted.   I was lucky enough to get daddy's belt and the cherub picture. 
Then we went over to Applebees for Brenda's birthday lunch.  We talked about our family reunion in September and made some plans for that.  Then we went back to Teina's and had cake and birthday presents. 
It was so nice to catch up on each other's lives and spend this time together. Love my sisters and I'm so grateful for the good relationship I have with each of them. 
I had to hurry home to make it to do sealings, but had a good afternoon in the temple.
Kelley got home from his Priest camp later that day.  They had gone down to hike the narrows in St. George, but because of thunderstorms, and flash floods weren't able to.  So they did a pretty brutal hike in Zion's....quite a bit higher than angels landing.  He said it was pretty tough  but was glad for the chance to spend the time and get to know the young men in our new ward. 

1 comment:

Angie said...

My mom said she hopes you guys can keep finding excuses to get together. She has really enjoyed time with everyone too. I told her you don't have to have an excuse just go to lunch or something:)glad you all still have a wonderful relationship!