Sunday, April 10, 2011

The latest from KC

March 23, 2011 Hey guys, Everything is going well. This has been a CRAZY week. Last Wednesday Elder Croese's parents called and said that one of his cousins had passed away and that they were going to have the funeral on Monday 23, and they kinda wanted him to just come home and help out the family because he only had like 10 days left anyway. So we spent from Wednesday to Sunday wrapping up all his loose ends and saying good bye to people. We spent his last night, Saturday, at President Sorensons house and at dinner with them and then we all shared our testimonies. It was really cool. So he left Sunday afternoon. It was sad, I love Elder Croese. So I will be with a mini missionary until transfers next Thursday. You ll never guess what his name is....Muhamed! He is from Uzbekestan, hes 21 and was baptized a little over a month ago. He is a way cool guy, its way interesting serving with him. He only speaks Uzbekski and Russian, so we are both communicating in our second language. Its kinda hard sometimes, but it just makes it more interesting. I was thinking about how 2 years ago I would have never imagined that I would be serving in a little city outside Moscow tracting homes with a Muslim convert. Crazy. We have had a good time so far. We have had some success with a less active guy, he had some problems in believing a prophet because he only believes what Christ Himself says, but then we told him about the Doctrine and Covenants and read the intro where it says something like " The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ in the latter days." and then he said" Oh, now I understand you. The prophet speaks the words of Christ.", we had been trying to explain that to him for the past 3 or 4 meetings but this was what helped him get it. It was cool. Thanks for the pictures of Sam, that one of him and Liv is really nice. I heard about the missionaries in Japan that got moved around, do you know where Blair went? It is good that he still had a while left to serve and didn't get sent home. That so sad that so many people died. Did Hatsumi know anyone who died or was affected by it? I haven't really seen any pictures of it all but I heard that its really bad. I hope that you guys have a nice week. Love you tons. KC

March 30, 2011 Hey guys! I hope that you all had a nice week. Mine was really interesting. It was really cool to be able to serve with Muhammed for a while, he is a really good guy. I learned a lot about Muslim culture, and I think he learned a lot about American haha. We took a bunch of pictures so i will send those. I don't know if you remember when I told you a couple weeks ago about how we met the girlfriend of an inactive member, but we stopped by again and met with them. She explained how she felt about the orthodox church and said that she liked our church service better and wanted to learn more. So we agreed to teach her the lessons. She is a really nice lady, and is really interested, so hopefully she will get baptized. President told me that I get to train again. So I get to meet my new companion tomorrow. His name is Elder Clawson, he is from American Fork. So I'm way excited about that. I wanted to train again before I went home. I will be with him for 2 transfers(3 months) and then I will only have one transfer left! I cant believe it! I will do my best to give him the best two transfers ever. Training is cool because it helps you to be a better missionary faster because for the first little while its kinda like serving a solo mission or something because your comp doesn't really understand whats people are saying and doesn't know what to do. Anyway, Its going to be way cool. I am going to try to send some Photos. love you guys. KC April 6, 2011 Hey guys! Things are going great with my new companion. He is awesome. I am so lucky to be able to help him out. He is way energetic, which is just what I need right now. He used to sell pest control door to door so he is already a good salesman, so we are putting his sale skills to the test knocking doors and contacting on the street. He loves doing it, so that's awesome. We are having lots of success in our area. We sat down in a bus the other day and I heard someone saying "Jensen" "Jensen!", so I turned around and it turns out that we got on the same bus as one of our investigators. We ended up getting stuck in a huge traffic jam for like and hour and a half, so we had lots of time to talk. In the end she said that she and her daughter would come to conference this weekend! Yes! And then yesterday, we were stuck in another traffic jam, so I asked the guy next to me if we could get acquainted while we were sitting in the jam, he turned out to be a really nice guy who was really interested in the gospel. I ended up teaching him the first lesson there in the bus, all about Joseph Smith and stuff. He asked way good questions and was way sincere. He is married, so hopefully she will be on board too. That’s tough sometimes. Lots of cool things are happening right now. It’s awesome. I haven’t seen conference yet because they show it a week later, but I am way excited to have investigators come. I think that they will love it. The weather here has actually been really nice, not 70, but like above 50, so we have been going in just our suit jackets, its soo nice to not wear a heavy coat or a hat. Sorry no pictures this time, I forgot my camera. Next week. Thanks for the pictures you sent. We don’t have any flowers here yet, but the snow is going away fast. So in a couple weeks there will be stuff growing. I love you guys tons! KC

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