Friday, January 14, 2011

I've had kind of a lot going on this past week, but it's all good!

First...KC sent a few pictures last week with his email.

This is an investigator that he has been working with named Vladimir (of course! every third person there is named Vladimir!) Anyway, he said he is going to be baptized next month. KC was transferred to a new area this past week though so he won't get to see it happen, (that's gotta be tough) but he is happy for him and a few others he has been teaching there that will be baptized next month.

This is in front of the Bolshoi temple

On Friday, I flew to help Camille fly back home to Utah!

We had a nice weekend there. Camille and Kellen have moved back in with Kellen's parents for a little while. They have a beautiful home that is HUGE! There is a whole wing of the house that is empty so they have plenty of room for them.

Bev and Gary took were great and took good care of us. I really appreciate them and all they do for Camille and Kellen.

It's really lovely in the winter there. Temperature was around 60-65. It felt so good coming from an extra cold spell here in Utah where the high for the day was 15-20!

Olivia and I had fun with her new sticker book...

Olivia loooooooooooves baby brother! Isn't it great how that works out...she is always touching him, tickling, kissing him or singing to him, and he never gets annoyed...just looks at her with this knowing look on his face like "yup, you're my sister and we are going to be together forever and one day, I will be bigger than you..."

She is really sweet to him though and a big help to Camille (most of the time...he was in the other room fussing one morning and we hollered at her to give him his binky...we went in there a few minutes later and found her feeding him an old bottle she had found that had fallen behind the bed. He was taking it happily. ( No ill side affects...thank you Lord)

They had a lovely huge bedroom for me, but I wanted to sleep in the bunk beds with Oliva! I haven't slept in bunk beds since I was about 10! I loved our bunk beds at home...especially the could make great tents in there plus I got to kick Leslie's mattress (she always got the top)

We were looking through Kellen's baby book and Sam looks exactly like him at this age!

We went shopping Saturday and took our picture in one of those little photo booths

Then lunch at Paradise Bakery

Playing with the puppy...

Olivia is the puppy

We went to their church Sunday. Sam looked so cute in his little white shirt and tie!

They had a really good sacrament meeting. A young couple sand "I know that my
Redeemer lives" and it was really beautiful!

Sunday afternoon we got everything packed up and ready to go to Utah Monday morning!
Bev took us to the airport. We were a little nervous because we had 4 suitcases, plus the stroller and car seat and Olivia!

We checked our bags at the curb and that went pretty well, except Camille left all of our boarding passes sitting on the little table by the curb. Luckily, we realized pretty quick we didn't have them and she ran back and got them. We had a real nice man get us through seriously have to take the stroller and car seat all apart and get the baby out to be inspected. Then they tested her breast milk (she had made a bottle for the plane) for explosives! Ha!

Sam was incredibly good through all this process and Olivia is always good.

We realized we had a little spare time so we went into a gift shop to get a drink. All the sudden, Sam just starts grinning this big cheesy smile. I was like "Camille, you've got to look at him...he's really smiling!" She got down close to him and said "oh dear! " He had had a terrible blowout...poo everywhere! Up his back, down his legs even on his elbows!

For a second we just stood there with a look of panic. Then we started looking for a bathroom. Luckily, there was a "family bathroom" right next to the gift shop. It was really a life saver! A big padded bench to change him on, and even a shower. Camille just threw his onesie was beyond repair. The outfit he had on was covered in poo too, but we rinsed it out and stuck it in a plastic bag.

Then Camille realized she had taken the extra outfit out of the diaper bag the night before, so all he had to put on was a little t did have this matching hat though!

So we wrapped him up in his blanket and by this time, they were loading the plane. I bet people wondered what we were thinking bringing a new baby to freezing cold Utah in just a t-shirt! Ha! He was a perfect angel the rest of the flight...didn't make a peep.

Now we know what's going to happen when he looks like this...

1 comment:

Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

What adorable pics of all of you! Enjoy some hot chocolate and stay warm!