Monday, February 11, 2013

A few things from the last few days...Well first I have to tell about our amazing young women.  It was my turn to teach the lesson yesterday...(my first one with the new curriculum).  I was a little nervous till I started to prepare, then I saw that there is so much information and help available, that making a lesson is not hard at all! So after I got everything together that I wanted to talk about, I just started praying that the girls would come with open minds and hearts and be willing to talk open up and talk about their ideas.  My prayers were surely answered that day. 
My lesson was on the premortal life (which is something that really got my wheels turning too as I read and studied everything I could get my hands on about it). We started out listing everything they knew about the premortal life on the board...then we sang "I lived in Heaven" and it really set the tone and invited the spirit there.  I asked them what they learned from the song and it opened up a whole discussion.  All the things I had prepared were put aside and the girls just started throwing out thoughts and questions that were honestly deeper than I had ever thought of.  Some questions I didn't have an answer to, but invited the girls to study more about it and promised to do the same.
We had an amazing discussion and the spirit was strong.  The time went by so quickly, I really think they could use another week to discuss this topic...there was so much that we didn't even touch on.
Just wanted to say how much I love this new way of teaching.  It is truly inspired and what the girls need right now.  They are being prepared to spread the gospel...whether on a mission or just in their everyday lives.  It's pretty incredible to be a little part of this wonderful plan.
For Young Women's last week, we had the girls look up scriptures about the talents and gifts they have been given, then we had each one come up to the board and all the other girls came up and wrote about gifts or talents they saw in that girl.  It was a fun night and hopefully left each girl feeling good about herself and feeling the love of all the young women and leaders.

A few pictures of our cute girls playing basketball...they had their last game yesterday.
Took First place in the stake!  We had a cool thing happen with the coach too.  You know how I was saying we were having such a hard time finding someone to coach the girls.  I tried  doing it for a few weeks while we were submitting names and waiting and that was not good.  I don't play basketball good at all.  No skills whatsoever.  I'm one of those girls that when you throw me the ball, I panic and travel or freeze up and let the other team snatch the ball out of my hands, or just stand there holding the ball till the other team attacks me and we have a jump ball.  I have never liked playing...people reaching in and grabbing and swatting at me...not cool. Anyway, I just had to fill out the team roster and help the girls decide who would go in and come out.  That wasn't too bad, but they definitely needed a coach that knew what she was doing and could help them practice.  We had had two ladies that didn't work out for the job and were really getting desperate.  I seriously was praying that we could find someone.  Then that Sunday, Bonnie was talking to Mindy ( someone we had thought of before, but had been discouraged by the Bishop about calling her)  she didn't mention basketball, but as she walked away, was prompted to talk to her about it.  So she went back and told her how we had been trying to find someone who could coach the girls.  Mindy right away answered that she would love to do that job.  HA!  She loves basketball and she knows most of the girls cause she was in yw before.  She has been practicing with them on Wednesday night and coaching them at their games ever since.  Wow!  That was an amazing witness to me that our prayers are heard and answered!

Had such a nice afternoon with Candice when she comes over and snuggles on the couch and bakes with me.

Candice is working on a school assignment to write about an experience that influenced her life.  She chose to write about the time that mum lived at our house.  We had the best time remembering, laughing and crying a bit about that amazing 5 months.  So many wonderful memories.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Very cute idea for young women's! they got all of the things about you right on!