Monday, August 30, 2010

Now and then...

Catching up on the past few days... I went up to moms Friday morning and spent a real nice couple of days with her. Kelley came up after work on Friday to try to figure out what we could do with the bathroom situation. We were thinking to make a doorway from the east room into the bathroom so mom wouldn't have to walk so far to get there. I think it would really help's so hard for her to walk that far... I don't think she can do it on her own anymore....we can barely get there with me holding her up at times....But then there are other times when she seems pretty strong and just needs a little help getting up off the changes daily. I'm glad she still wants to try to walk though... we got her a wheel chair for taking her to Dr. appointments and such and it is right there in her house, but she doesn't like to use it unless she absolutely has to. I think she knows that if she quits trying to walk, her legs will get so weak that she won't be able to walk.
Kelley cut up a bunch of dead branches and did some stuff around the yard and the house.
I felt bad when I went to bed though...he said he would probably sleep better on the couch than in the bouncy bed upstairs. Ha! I don't blame him. He hangs way over that bed and when we are both in it, we roll right to the for a minute, but then makes for a rough night! So he slept ( or laid there) downstairs on the couch, and I slept ( laid there) in the bed upstairs.
Mom seems to like her new set up there in the east room. I got a pretty bedspread for the bed and brought down her lamp and night stand with all of her things in it.
Anyway, the next day, I thought it was such a waste for the bedroom downstairs to be sitting there unused just because it kind of turned into the storage room. So I got busy and cleaned the whole room. Cleaned out the closet and drawers. Moved everything around and cleaned up all the spider webs and mice poops. Mum and daddy had kept a lot of food storage down there and the mice had gotten into it and really had a hey day! I got rid of everything that wasn't in cans or that was too old . Yea! now there is a bedroom with a bed that Kelley can fit in!I love this old dresser...would not be sad if I inherited it someday..
While I was cleaning out a box with random stuff in it, I came across a bunch of great old pictures.

Mom was quite the beauty...still is

Love these pictures of Bruce...

These are classics of Brenda and TeinaWhat's the deal with my bangs? My sisters all have bangs...why can't I? I asked mom why my bangs always looked like this...(they are like this in pretty much every picture of me growing up) and she said " well, when I would cut them, sometimes they would look uneven, so I tried to even them up, then they still wouldn't be straight so I would go a little shorter and shorter"...Oh man we had a good laugh about that!
ok, I was kind of cute anyway.
Feel pretty blessed to be born into this wonderful family. Love each of them so much!


lessdirtydirt said...

I cant stop laughing about your bangs. Bwa haha hahaha.

kat said...

Funniest thing is that I can see mom doing the exact same sweet mom innocent voice....'well, I just had to even them up!'

Angie said...

Wow that room looks amazing nice work! I am surprised you didn't find a bunch of tarantulas hanging out down there! The bangs story made me laugh so hard! I remember sitting on grandma's oven with masking tape over my bangs and her cutting them. When she would pull the tape off she would always say well they dont look even and do it again. I dont know how many times I came out of there with hardly any bangs! Good times always with grandma!