Monday, July 15, 2019

And my friends have been nothing short of incredible.  A couple of weeks ago Kelley said we are supposed to meet with the bishop tonight at 8 so we go up to the church and  little boy tells us to go into the chapel soo we go in there and Sean m is there with all this recording equipment. We walkmin and the chapel is full of our friends.  Ad shawna and darilyn were upon the stand directing everyone singing the two parts of sisters in Zion and armies of Hellman.  We walked up to the stand and had a complete meltdown when I looked out and saw old friends I hadn’t seen for years. Somehow ,Stacey had contacted all these people. And told them they weregoing to make a video for me.  It sounded so beautiful like I really had a army of angels singing to me. Then after I got a hug from everyone. It was pretty much the most thoughtful gift ever and I could literally draw the strength from them and their well wishes prayers and love.

Video of Friends SingingLo

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