Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Katie flew in Wednesday morning. It was sure great to have her here for a few extra days.

Nothing better than having all my girls here with me!

We had Kelley's family over on Christmas eve and it was a lot of fun! We made chicken enchiladas and everyone brought something to add to the dinner and it turned out real nice.

Michelle's youngest...wow everyone is growing up so fast!

The best thing this Christmas...our phone call from K.C.!
He called earlier on Christmas eve and said he would be calling back later that night because he had to go to Kiev on Christmas day to have his visa renewed.
He called back about 8:30. That meant it was about 6:30 in the morning on Christmas day for him. He sounded really good. I think his voice has gotten lower! He sounded like a man! He told us a lot about his mission and what they did every day. He told us about the people he was teaching there. It sounds like he is having some great experiences. It was amazing to hear how his confidence has grown and how strong his testimony is. He said it is pretty cold there...that his cheeks and eyes got cold! I guess that's something they can't cover up! He said he likes the food there and that he can get most of the same things that we have here except peanut butter.
He had waited to open his package till he was on the phone with us so that was pretty fun to have him open his presents while he could talk to us. He was really grateful for the thermal underwear and the hat's I had made for him and his companion.
He said " I have something important I want to tell you..." then he said a bunch of words I couldn't understand in Russian. I said "what does that mean"... long pause, then with his voice cracking, he said 'I wanted to tell you that I love you mom, and I'm glad Heavenly Father let me be your son." That will pretty much get me through the next 18 months.

It was so great to see everyone light up when they talked to him...After we got done talking to him, we just all sat there smiling...Ahhhhhhh love my boy!

New jamies for everyone!

Then we watched a sweet video Dan had brought over for us. I had seen it on Heather's blog and was so touched by it.
It is the story of Jesus' birth told by a little girl who understands the true meaning of Christmas.


Angie said...

glad you had such a great Christmas! It was nice to be able to see you:)

stacey said...

The definition of Joy...hmmm...
look in the dictionary and I believe you will find the picture of the Jensen family while speaking to "boy" on Christmas morning! How tender! and yep...made me cry again!